Former Exelon CEO says new nukes don’t make economic sense

Jeff McMahon just blogged this on Forbes:

Nuclear power is no longer an economically viable source of new energy in the United States, the freshly-retired CEO of Exelon, America’s largest producer of nuclear power, said in Chicago Thursday.

And it won’t become economically viable, he said, for the forseeable future.

Here’s a link:


About Robert Singleton

By day, I work for a call center. In my spare time, I try to save my hometown (and planet) from a nearly constant onslaught of greedheads, lunatics and land developers. I live in a fictional town called Austin, Texas, where I go to way too many meetings.
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1 Response to Former Exelon CEO says new nukes don’t make economic sense

  1. Pingback: Hypocrisy alert: Exelon has nuclear and wind power plants, opposes extension of wind tax credits and asks for new nuclear subsidies | robertsingleton

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